Our lil boy seems to be growing up very fast! He has 4 teeth (2 top and 2 bottom), and 2 more top ones coming through.
We went to stay at Scott's dads for Christmas, and had a great time. Harry was thoroughly spoilt and loovvveeed playing with his cousins, Aunty JoJo, Uncle Damien (now officially, yay! Congrats on your engagement guys!), Poppa, Koro, Granma and Great Nana. He was such a good boy and we were so proud. He's so cheeky and full of smiles at the moment, just gorgeous! He thinks the funniest thing in the world at the moment is peekaboo, and he's even said "boo" a couple of times.
Harry getting more and more 'words'. At the moment he says mumma, dadad, bum (!), boo, more, up, yes, no, mmmmmm (means yummy/more) and H (when imitating Granny's sneezes!). He signs finished, eat, more, shower, cat, dog and hot. He loves walking around furniture and walls, and also climbing. He 'walks' a few steps between people, or towards something he really wants (like the tv). He loves walking holding onto someone else's finger for balance, and we don't think it will be too long before he's walking around by himself.
Harrison loves playing outside, and always heads straight for his shell sandpit. He loves scooping the sand. Today he spent about half an hour just climbing in and out of the empty shell while I was dealing with washing.
He's beginning to get really affectionate. In the mornings, we bring him into our bed while he has his morning bottle. He'll crawl over to me and just lay his head on my shoulder and give me big cuddles! It's so sweet. He gives lots of kisses too, and thankfully he rarely bites these days. He went through a stage where he was biting a fair bit when he got excited, so we made a big deal about cheering and clapping when he did "gentle kisses" and now he hardly bites at all.
Here's some recent photos (taken on Christmas Eve)...
Guess who Harry just spotted home from work...
Daddy! You're home!
Oooo tags
Some of Harry's toys at the moment
Sweet boy
Check out those teeth!
Playing the drums with his favourite toy.. the formula scoop
Trying to get his ball that rolled under the couch
And just being cute
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