Thursday, October 23, 2008

9 months old

Harry's favourite things to do at the moment:
> Roll his toy cars along the ground
> Crawl over to the box with kumara/potatoes and try to take them out
> Investigate the highchair and buggy
> Wave hello/byebye/goodnight
> Eat pasta, kiwifruit, yoghurt, orange, tinned peaches, ham, weetbix
> Put one arm up in the air when he's finished his meal
> Rock back and forth when we sing "row row row your boat"
> Push the buttons on his musical dino and dance to the music
> Lower himself gently to the ground when he wants to get down from standing
> Chase balls around the lounge
> Bang on drums/table/chair/his leg
> Give high fives
> Play in the bath
> Clap hands and jiggle when listening to music
> Pull all the clean folded laundry off the chair
> Listen to stories - pointing at pictures and turning the pages
> Chase Calista the dog

And here's some recent photos!....

Off exploring (he has a secret passageway behind the chairs)


Helping Daddy with the gardening

Helping Mumma with the washing

Trying to escape

Being a goof ball (and yes he's a dribble monster)

At Chipmunks Playland

Daredevil child - he loves the swing

One tired boy

Still trying to escape!

Oh I know these people.....'s Aunty Jo, Uncle Damien, Amanda and Cori-Jo!!!

Check out those muscles... bigger than popeye

Bath time

Aww what a pretty girl!!

Ready for bed in his big boy jammies

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