Sunday, March 16, 2008

2 months old

Yes, I am 2 months old already. At the moment I spend a lot of time looking around at everything, especially my mobile and books. I also love lying on my play mat and hitting the toys above me (my faves are the star and the flying elephant). I 'talk' lots, and when Dad gets home from work I make sure I update him on everything me and Mum have been up to that day! Mumma and Dadda say they love my cute cooing and all the smiles I give them. I also love listening to music and doing the actions with Mum, or when Daddy zerbits on my puku! And my all time favourite thing is when Dadda holds my hands so I can stand up tall.

I sleep in my own room all the time now, in my big cot. Mum has to take my mobile down at sleep time cos otherwise I'll just look at my friends instead of going to sleep! I go to bed at about 7pm and wake up for the day at 7am - I have a 'dream feed' (when I'm asleep) at about 10pm and wake up once in the night, usually at about 3am.

I visited the friendly plunket nurse Wendy at 8 weeks old, and I weighed in at 6.4kg and measured 65cm long. She thinks I'm very big and strong!

Here's some photos from the last couple of weeks:

Oi Dad! You're all prickly!
(this is one of Mumma's favourite photos)

Check out my cool new outfit (thanks Julie), it keeps me so cosy and warm!

Snuggling into my Grandma

Play time with Dadda

Meeting my friend Ane (11 months) and her mum Sita

Hanging out with Granny

Granny and Mumma dressed me up in a dress for a photo. I was not impressed, I'm far too boyish to be wearing an outfit like that. Apparently it's the family Christening gown that my Great Grandma Joy made for my Grandad, and Mum wore it too. Mum fitted it when she was 4 1/2 months old, and I am 7 weeks old in this photo and it was too small for me! It was very tight at the sleeves and the top button couldn't do up at the back.

Having snuggles with Mumma at the end of a long day

Giganta baby - me with some of my friends from coffee group... Max (3 weeks), Ursula (5 weeks) and Me (7 weeks).

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