Sunday, February 10, 2008

Long time, no see

Well it's been a little while since the last update and I'm now nearly 4 weeks old! Mummy and Daddy say it's gone really quickly but it also seems like such a long time since I was born.

I've had quite a few visits from Yvonne the midwife, and she's very impressed with how big I'm getting. When I was weighed at 3 weeks, I was 4930grams... that's nearly 5kg or 11 pounds! And at 2 weeks I was 61cm long! Dad reckons I'm gonna be even taller than him.

Mum says I'm growing up so fast and getting really strong. I surprised her with how easily I can roll onto my side. When she went to answer the phone I was like this:

And when she came back I was like this (what a poser!):

I love my baths, and lately I've been having showers too. I don't even mind when the water goes on my face. This is me laxing out while Dadda baths me.

I also like having 'awake time' - singing, dancing, reading books or just listening.

I've been wearing a lot of cloth nappies lately which is ever so styley. (Check out my cute little bellybutton too). This photo was taken a while ago, and I don't fit this nappy anymore! Mumma says she'll post a photo soon of me in my fave nappy.. it's got frogs on it.

The other day, Daddy put me in my highchair! I loved it cos I could see everything. Lots of hugs and kisses to Granty & Gruncle in Canada - thanks for my awesome 'lazyboy!'

(I am smiling inside, honest)

Last Thursday I went for my first picnic, at Cornwall Park. It was a bit windy so I was wrapped up nice and warm. I slept the whole time!

And to finish off, here's some eye candy for you. "Mumma cam".

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